& “The Book of Answers”
This is a sampling of previous works; 2-d, 3-d, installations and “The Book of Answers”.
Drawing, mark making, language, layers, light/shadow, time, space and chance have all played a part in the process and the results. Images are posted from most recent to older works.

Eight is Great
glass, ink, Duralar. 8 x 8″

Three Thrashes
glass, ink, Duralar. 8 x 8″

Autobiography of a Line
Tacoma Art Museum, Woolworth Windows
paper. 18′ x 35′

Five Slides to the Side
glass, ink, Duralar. 8 x 8″

King County Arts Commission Gallery
250K+ starlight mints and a Thank you Cloud of wrappers.

HorseHead Sculpture Projects
A ‘Monument’ that vended drawings, answers and poetry through 3 imbedded bubble gum machines. 14′ x 40′ area with benches. Invitational HorseHead Sculpture Project.

The Book of Answers
published by Hachette Books
Originally self-published in 1998 as a part of an installation. It was picked-up and published by Hyperion, now Hachette Books. This cover is the 2018 imprint. More about the book here.

Drawing Pools
Myerson & Nowinski Gallery
ink, vellum, glass. 40″ x 10″ x 12″

SOIL Artists Cooperative
DC motors , varying weight and length propellors make “marks” in space and good sounds too. About 12 wigglers- 1″ wide rubber tubing, motors, propellers

16,666 Sixes on 606 Pages
Seattle Pacific Gallery
ink, vellum, binding. 3″ x 12″ x 15″ (closed)